The best way to predict the future is to create it!!!
software developers see themselves as technical persons who are there to solve technical problems and they do not care about the business world. All they are interested is that how a technology or a framework works and how they can use or advance it. That is it. They care about code quality, they care about unit testing, they care about code reuse, and lots of other technical characteristics of the software, but rarely they discuss about how usable their applications are, or how efficiently they optimize a business problem their software is addressing or what business value they have delivered with the software they have built. I am not saying that technical characteristics are unimportant, far from it, we should always strive to write the best quality code we can, according to best industry standards, using best practices, and best patterns we know. I am just stating that the most important thing is we deliver value with software. If there is no value, there is no point having unit tests, most clearly written code, or bug free code, as it will not be used.
HIGH-TECHDROID'S ultimate goal is to install confidence in students vision and assist them in becoming independent Programmers who rely on their strengths and abilities.Our vision is to train students amongst the few recognised, preferred and respectable property developer in India.Recognized for who we are and how we deliver improved quality of life through excellence in design and construction.
The HIGH-TECHDROID supplements instruction and provides services that support students in the development of programming skills necessary for their effective performance in and positive adjustment.
Our Team:
Lavanya M
Admin : Youtube channels[HIGH-TECHDROID]
Qualificaton : B.E[Computer Science Engineering](TCS employee)
Tutor : Python Tutorial
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Founder : HIGH-TECHDROID and KBS MEDIA caliber
Qualification : B.E[Computer Science Engineering]
Tutor : Java and SEO Tutorials
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Facebook : BharathKrishna